martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Les dejo el link del BIOBRAN, similar al UZO:

También hay una página de investigación del uso del biobran en diferentes casos de pacientes con cáncer:

No. 24 Pancreas Cancer, Gallbladder and Liver Metastasis / T Clinic
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient was anorexic since May 1999 and felt heavy fatigue. As his body became yellow through jaundice around the end of May, he consulted S hospital on June 1st. The patient immediately received CT, MRI and endoscopic examination and was diagnosed with gallbladder and liver metastasis developing from pancreatic cancer. The condition was relatively advanced and there seemed to be no fundamental treatment other than palliative surgery in order to lessen the jaundice. The patient was advised that his remaining days would be one month or thereabouts. Therefore, he left S hospital without treatment on June 14th. On the next day, the patient visited T clinic, thinking "I shall do anything if I die after all." The patient received the "partial fasting treatment" completely, and took 5g MGN-3 daily for Immunomodulation and 8 tablets and 12 capsules of two types of vegetable enzyme food for improvement of his blood condition, respectively. The rotation was five days of continuous treatment following two days off.

Changes due to MGN-3

The patient's jaundice improved rapidly. Fatigue, nausea and lumbago were also improved. The tumor marker declined and liver function improved as well.
This case was an advanced pancreatic cancer that metastised extensively into the liver, and there was no role for conventional cancer therapy except for palliative treatments. The patient's immunity was enhanced by the improvement in his intestinal condition and the inhibition of nutrition to cancer tissues by the complete "partial fasting treatment". The patient showed dramatic therapeutic effects three weeks later and seemed to avoid the dangerous situation. It is considered that the immunopotentiational function of MGN-3 in particular worked as an enormous motive power. However, in view of the initial situation, the patient's situation is far from reassuring. Continuous observation will be required on his future progress.

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